Camellia Software Corporation   

Developers of Batch Job Server - Reliable Batch Job Scheduling for Windows Operating Systems

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About Camellia Software


Camellia Software Corporation (CSC) was founded in 1995 to develop, market and support Windows server products. Our primary product is Batch Job Server. Batch Job Server is proprietary software, and is distributed and supported exclusively by Camellia Software. CSC is a privately-held, 100% US-owned and based corporation. Camellia Software is committed to making your work easier by providing reliable Windows server software, with high quality customer support.

Batch Job Server Customer Base Examples

Camellia Software also contracts consulting services and custom software development for Windows. Please contact our office for additional information. 

Thank you to our staff for the brilliant, dedicated and ongoing development and support work for BJS V1.0 through V3.0 and beyond!

Our sincere thanks to everyone who has purchased Batch Job Server (BJS). Thank you for your constant stream of new ideas.